- Bentonite Mining

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Published Date:
January 13, 2021
About Project

Reasons for using bentonite  in the drilling industry;

  • Our Bentonite, due to its high viscosity and gel-forming feature, suspends the crumbs in the drilling mud, thus preventing the formation crumbs in the well from sinking to the bottom and jamming the drill.
  • Our Bentonit provides effective well cleaning by reducing the shear rate of formation sections in the drilling mud.
  • Our Bentonit, with its high plastering feature, creates a solid and smooth plaster on the well wall and ensures the immobility (permanence) of the well.
  • Our Bentonite acts as a very good lubrication in the well, drill and drill string due to its lubricity feature.
  • Our Bentonite prevents the gas and fluids that may be present in the formations from entering the well.
  • Our Bentonite prevents corrosion that may occur in the drill and drill string.

Two basic properties of bentonite play a role in Drilling Industry;

  • Rheological Properties
  • Apparent Viscosity
  • Sludge Making Efficiency
  • Yield Strength
  • Water Loss

The most authoritative and most effective institution in the world for the classification of Drilling Bentonites is the American Petroleum Institute (API, American Petroleum Institute). TSE standard TS EN ISO 13500 is the exact adaptation of API 13A specification to Turkish Standards. API has divided bentonites to be used for drilling into 3 classes. These;

API 13A Part 9 – Doped (Treated) Bentonite (TS EN ISO 13500 Part 9)
API 13A Part 10 – Untreated Bentonite (TS EN ISO 13500 Part 10)
API 13A Part 11 – OCMA Quality Bentonite (TS EN ISO 13500 Part 11)

Bentonite maintains its feature of being one of the few companies in the world that produces Untreated Bentonite.